These notes accompany the sermon found here.
Not to be served but to serve
Jesus came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28.
Introducing the servant motif:
- mo·tif | mōˈtēf | noun; a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc. especially in a literary, artistic, or musical work.
- Other people referred to as servants of the Lord in the Bible: Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Isaiah, the prophets, the nation Israel/Jacob, Cyrus, the apostles, all believers.
- The most important servant, Jesus Christ. See the Servant Songs of Isaiah: Isaiah 42:1-9, 49:1-13, 50:4-11, 52:13-53:12.
A ransom for many
- In saying “a ransom for many,” Jesus is stating that his life is being given as a substitution to set us free from the penalty of our sins.
- See John 10:14-18; 1 Timothy 2:6; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18-19, 2:24, 3:18; Hebrews 9:12, 10:3-18; Revelation 5:9; 1 Corinthians 6:20, 7:23; Exodus 13:12-15; Leviticus 25-27; Numbers 35:19-27.
It shall not be so among you.
See also Philippians 2:3; Mark 9:35, 10:43-45; Luke 9:48, 14:7-11, 18:14, 22:25-26.
- Jesus Christ came to serve.
- And He continues to serve.
- Think on these things.