These notes accompany the sermon found here.
- Paul’s destiny in Rome: Acts 9:15, 19:21, 23:11, 25:11-12.
- Believers should pursue the path laid out for them by God, no matter how unusual it may appear.
The New Guy
- Porcius Festus – Roman Procurator of Judea for a short period of time beginning around AD 60. He had a reputation for being more wise and just than Felix. Acts 25:27-26:32.
Paul’s Dilemma
- Going to Jerusalem was not an option. Acts 25:3, 23:16-22, 21:13.
- Having a trial and potentially being released from Caesarea was not an option. Acts 25:3.
- Having a trial and being found guilty was not an option. Acts 19:21, 23:11.
Paul’s Creative Solution
- It’s unlikely that the Jews would make the trip to Rome for the trial, and even more unlikely they would be able to find and bring witnesses.
- It would also be very unlikely that the Jews would find “favors” in Rome as they had with Felix and Festus locally.
- We must make every effort to finish the course. While Paul was willing to die, Acts 21:13, he made every effort to continue on to finish the course. Acts 20:24, 2 Timothy 4:7.
- We must take courage in the fact that God is continually at work for the benefit of his people. Romans 8:28; Ezra 8:22; Ecclesiastes 8:12.
- Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
- However, if we are not abiding in Christ, we lose our confidence. This verse does not absolve us of responsibility for our actions or excuse our foolishness. It promises no protection from the consequences of our actions. Indeed, as the faithful of Christ, we should be working to better our situation, stay blameless, and further the gospel.