From Pastor Eric and the Deacons,
Whites Run Baptist Church will be resuming in-person services on Sunday, May 24th, 2020. We are all looking forward to the opportunity to meet together for worship once again. The first article (found here) described how we should prepare ourselves with prayer and the Word of God for gathering together. We want all the focus to be on the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He has for us as we meet together, so we’re committed to keep our safety measures simple to follow. Here are the details for how we will be conducting service on May 24th:
- We will have 11:00 worship service only.
- Please prayerfully consider not attending if you are at high-risk from COVID-19. Despite all of our efforts to meet together safely, larger groups will increase your risk.
- Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of illness. Even if it is not from COVID-19, it could increase the anxiety of some of your fellow church members.
- Please wear masks. Masks will be provided if you do not have any.
- Please observe social distancing of at least 6 feet.
- Please be seated in designated pews. Some of the seating has been taped off to facilitate social distancing. Obviously families living together do not need to social distance among themselves.
- We will not be singing because of the increased risk of spread.
- The nursery will not be available.
- The restrooms will be available, and they are equipped with sterilizing wipes to use on all contacted surfaces after each use.
- Hand sanitizer will be available in multiple locations throughout the facility.
People are having a wide-range of responses to the pandemic and the measures we are undertaking, so we must all be patient and respect differences in opinion. Please contact one of us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! God Bless!
- Eric, Jim, Danny, and Joe