Chronological Study Bible Info
The plan: “Read the Bible for Life – Chronological Plan” developed by George Guthrie based on his Day by Day Chronological Bible.
The start: Monday, January 6th will be our first reading day. It is designed as a six-day reading plan to give us a break on Sundays.
The True and Living Way
These notes accompany the sermon of the same name found here. The True and Living Way; John 14:1-11. Today’s Point: The person and work...
The Son of Man
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Today’s Point: By referring to himself as “The Son of Man,” Jesus draws on the rich imagery of Daniel...
The Savior of the World
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Today's Text: John 4:1-42. Today’s Point: The Lord Jesus Christ came to bring eternal life, genuine...
The Rabbi
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Today’s Point: Jesus teaches that faith in Him is the only way to escape the wrath of God and have...
Giver of Signs
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Introduction Today’s Text: John 2:1-12. Today’s point: Jesus gave many signs to validate His testimony...
Jesus of Nazareth Son of Joseph
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Jesus was fully human See also Matt. 16:27, 28; Matt. 18:11; Matt. 20:28, 30, 31; Matt. 21:9; Matt....
The Messiah the Christ
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Introduction: Today's Texts: John 1:35-42; John 7:25-44. Jesus as the Christ was a focus of the early...
The Lamb of God
These notes accompany the sermon found here. Who was John the Baptist? Who was John? He was a prophet from the line of priests whose job it was to...